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I help women who struggle with stress & anxiety

 through nutrition and lifestyle habit changes 


Camille is a certified holistic health coach, personal trainer, yoga instructor, and meditation teacher. After struggling with anxiety, painful periods, and PCOS for years, she decided to take her health into her own hands with a holistic approach to healing. Her love of food took her to The Culinary Institute of America where she earned her bachelors degree. After graduating she decided to dive deeper into wellness by receiving her 200-RYT Yoga Teacher Certification as well as a certification in Mindfulness Meditation from Kripalu. She then went on to receive her Holistic Health Coaching Certification from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and her Personal Trainer Certification from The National Academy of Sports Medicine. Camille is passionate about guiding and motivating women to get to the root cause of their health struggles and reach their goals. 


Anxiety is so present in all of our everyday lives. From worry to anticipation, anxiety is something that everyone experiences. It shows up as a variety of symptoms including having difficulty breathing, tight chest, feeling light headed, sweaty palms, upset stomach and can sometimes lead to an anxiety attack. Having the tools to help manage your anxiety so that it occurs much less frequently and to learn what to do if you do experience anxiety is pivotal to your overall health and happiness.


Throughout the day we often forget about our breath. We don’t notice how we are breathing so during times of stress, it is easy for our breath to become stressed as well. Take time throughout the day to check in with yourself and notice your breath. In times of stress our breath often becomes short and shallow, causing tightness in your chest.
Practice: soften your belly and take a long slow deep inhale though your nose breathing into your belly allow it to expand. Exhale slowly through your nose and feel your belly relax. This exercise is nice to do with your hand on your belly so you can really feel your breath. 


Movement has been reported to significantly help manage anxiety. Exercising your body in some way, preferably doing something that you enjoy, is a wonderful way to get out of your head and feel more connected to your body. It has been proven to release feel good hormones that help with anxiety. It also relaxes tension in your muscles caused by anxiety.
Practice: next time you are feeling anxious, try moving your body in some way. Go for a walk, do gentle stretches, do some yoga, whatever movement you prefer. At first you might feel resistant to it, but after you start to move you might notice your anxiety begin to feel smaller



Mindfulness helps you learn to stay and be with what is in the present moment. It is a way to practice staying with difficult feelings without analyzing or suppressing them. There are many ways to practice mindfulness. For example, mindfulness meditation. This meditation practice is done by sitting and watching your thoughts, without judgment. It is a nice way to slow down and be present with yourself. When you are mindful, you are calm, grounded, and have clarity.
Practice: 5,4,3,2,1 techniq
The next time you are anxious, practice this technique. It allows you to ground yourself in the present moment and calms overwhelming thoughts.
Notice: 5 things you can see
4 things you can hear
3 things you can touch
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste



A workshop is a deep dive into a certain topic. Take a look at my current workshop offerings below and feel free to schedule a private or small group workshop. All workshops are 90 min. long and are conducted through zoom. You will be sent material including recommendations prior to the workshop. 

*If you are interested in scheduling an in-person workshop for a group or corporate wellness event please inquire below.

Stress Management

Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of mind and body practices that will help reduce the symptoms associated with anxiety and stress. It is rare we get an opportunity to stop, breathe and be present. By slowing down, you allow yourself to check in and become mindful, reawakening the awareness within you. Camille will guide students through restorative poses which activates the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing you to deeply relax. Camille will provide students with tools such as breathing and journaling exercises to manage anxiety and stress, ending with a calming meditation, allowing students to lead a more peaceful and happy life.

Yoga for Body Positivity

So many of us suffer from negative self talk and body shaming others and ourselves. What if we flipped the script in our mind to positive, encouraging, and loving thoughts instead? Throughout this workshop, students will learn tools to love their body again and be proud to call it home. Meditations, breathing exercises, restorative yoga and self love exercises will be practiced. Students will take these tools with them off the mat and use them in their lives to begin treating their body with love, compassion and kindness. Perfect for all ages and levels of experience.


Exploring Methods of Mediation Workshop
       & discovering the one for you

Meditation is the art of looking inside ones inner being. When you give yourself the opportunity to slow down you're able to feel, observe, and let go is a daily practice. Students will practice a variety of meditation styles including mindfulness meditation, loving kindness (metta), and visualization meditation. Camille will incorporate gentle stretches and breathing exercises that students can add into their own daily home meditation practice. 
No meditation experience needed!

Women's Hormone Health 

Camille will educate students on the importance of hormonal health and how to maintain balanced hormones. Hormones play a significant role in dictating all aspects of our life including menstrual health, energy levels, stress and weight. Hormones can become unbalanced for many reasons, which over time can lead to different types of symptoms and conditions. Throughout this workshop, you will learn how to incorporate healthy nutrition and lifestyle practices into your daily routine to support your hormones. Students can expect to practice calming breathing exercises, discussion on women’s hormones, a self love meditation as well as time for questions.
Perfect for women going through menopause, painful periods, or PCOS

Holistic Health Coaching 

What exactly is health coaching? Health coaching is an opportunity to work one on one with a wellness professional to address your health goals. Anything from losing weight, managing painful periods, to gaining tools to help with stress and anxiety. I help clients reach their wellness goals through healthy nutrition and lifestyle habit changes. Through taking practical actions steps, I am here to guide you to living your healthiest and happiest life. 


I am passionate about empowering clients to discover the connection between nutrition, anxiety and hormones and helping them come up with lasting changes to improve their health. I take a bio-individual approach to health coaching, realizing that every body is different and requires unique nourishment for their mind and body. During each health coaching session, you will have the floor to discuss any obstacles you are facing regarding your goal as well as the progress you have been noticing, no matter how small. I will provide you with specific nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to help you reach and maintain your health and wellness goal. 

Organic Vegetables

What to Expect...

Health History Consultation: 
Are you tired of trying to get to the root cause of your health problems, making countless doctors appointments, and only spending 5 minutes with the doctor only for them to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you? During this FREE virtual 30 min. conversation you are able to get all of your health concerns off your chest. You will learn more about how you will benefit from my health coaching program, and I will learn about you, your goals, and your personal challenges. This is the foundation upon which we will build your custom-tailored program.

6 Month Holistic Health Coaching Program:
Transform your overall health and wellness! Dive deep into the root causes of your health concerns to reach your goals. Changes don't happen overnight, and it takes time to develop new habits. My program helps to incorporate healthy changes in your life that are sustainable.We will meet once every other week (so you have time in between sessions to integrate my recommendations) to discuss your recent obstacles and any progress you've noticed. You will begin this program with a list of goals and they will shift and change, just as life does. You will learn how to maintain healthy habits in the midst of life's changes. I will be here as a guide to provide you with specific nutrition and lifestyle recommendations based on your goal at the moment. 
Includes -

  • One hour zoom session (12)

  • Healthy recipe (12)

  • Food shopping list (foods to eat/avoid specifically for you)

  • Food Journal (optional)

  • Guided meditation video (6)

  • Weekly check ins to hold you accountable to your goals 

  • Virtual live yoga classes available upon request (3 for $75)


Value: $100/session

or $1,000 if paid in full​ ($200 off)

Who I Work With...

I help women who are experiencing:


  • painful periods

  • PCOS

  • anxiety

  • panic/anxiety attacks 

  • Insomnia 

  • low energy 

  • unbalanced hormones 

  • unexplained weight gain 

  • IBS 

  • yeast infections 

3 Month Holistic Health Coaching Program:
Focus on a specific health goal and see a transformation! Throughout the course of 3 months we take a close look at your primary foods (physical exercise, creativity, relationships, home cooking, home environment, career, stress management..) and secondary foods (what you consume) in order to learn more about what you need in order to thrive in this moment in your life. We will meet once every other week, where you will have the opportunity to discuss your progress and concerns. I will provide you with specific recommendations to add into your daily routine to help reach and maintain your goal. You will set small goals along the way so that by the end of your 3 month program you will have all the tools you need to keep your healthy habits sustainable in your everyday life.

Includes -

  • One hour zoom session (6)

  • Healthy recipe (6)

  • Food shopping list (foods to eat/avoid specifically for you)

  • Resources specific to your goal

  • Guided meditation video (3)

  • Weekly check ins to hold you accountable to your goals 

  • Virtual live yoga classes available upon request (3 for $75)


Value: $100/session

or $500 if paid in full​ ($100 off)


Single Holistic Health Coaching Session:
Get a taste of health coaching (this is a great option if you cannot commit to 3 or 6 months but still want to receive a clear plan towards reaching your health goal). During this one hour virtual session you will have the floor to discuss your specific health concern and goal. I will provide nutrition and lifestyle (stress management, physical activity, morning/nighttime routines...) recommendations. 
Includes -

  • One hour zoom session (1)

  • Healthy recipe (1)

  • Food shopping list (foods to eat/avoid specifically for you)

  • Guided meditation video 

Value: $125/session​ 

Book a Session

Work With Me

Welcome To My Wellness Store

My mission is to enhance the lives of others by reducing stress and anxiety and enhancing health and wellness

Beginner Meditation Guide

A comprehensive step-by-step guide to creating a sustainable home meditation practice

 Ready to dive into the world of meditation but not sure where to start? Introducing your step-by-step Beginner Meditation guide.

Discover the magic of meditation with this comprehensive guide designed for you to learn how to integrate a sustainable meditation practice into your daily routine. Here's what you can expect and all the amazing benefits it brings: 

- Explanation of the incredible benefits of meditation.

- Guided breathing exercises to help you find your inner calm.

- Gentle stretches to enhance your meditation practice.

- 3 different guided meditations to explore and find your zen.

With this starter guide, you'll unlock a whole new level of mindfulness and inner peace. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and tranquility. Your mind and body will thank you!

The Anxiety Toolkit

Hacks to reduce anxiety in your daily life

The Anxiety Toolkit is the ultimate guide to help you manage stress and anxiety. Have these tools ready in your back pocket to reduce anxiety before it manifests into something more.

What’s Included:

  • 6 Lifestyle tips to reduce anxiety

  • 6 Nutrition Tips to reduce anxiety

  • Breathing Exercise Video*

  • Guided Meditation Video*

  • Guided Stretching Video*

Use this toolkit as a guide to help reduce daily stress and anxiety in your life. Pick and choose from which tools work for you and incorporate them into your life. Having these stress management tools in your back pocket is key towards empowering yourself to take control of your anxiety and feel more like your best self.


"Camille provides a great, necessary and often overlooked coaching service. For those looking to heal from physical or mental health struggles, and ready to move onto the next level of their wellness journey, I highly recommend her being your guide. She will do so with compassion and grace while encouraging you to abandon old habits and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck. Camille's coaching program help you become more aligned with your values, clear about your purpose, and hopeful about the future."

Sherisse A.

FREE Offerings:

Guided Meditations & Yoga Classes: 

Meal Prep Guide:    

Additional Place To Work With Me:


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Camille Rose Wellness

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